
Command Reference


1. File Formats
2. Command-line Programs

      Data Preparation:
      Data Analysis:
      Building and Training HMMs:
      Using HMMs:
Appendix A : HMM File Format


File Formats

MUMMIE relies on several file formats; FASTB and schema files are described in the section "Data Preparation Guidelines."  Here we describe several other formats used by MUMMIE.

1. TGF format
The TGF file simply specifies all possible dependencies between continuous tracks.  It's used to infer sparseness in the covariance matrix of the multivariate Gaussian distributions that are used to model the joint distribution of the continuous tracks.  The file begins with a numbered list of tracks, followed by a line containing a "#", followed by a list of pairs of track numbers; these pairs of track numbers specify which tracks have a nonzero covariance.  Every track must have a nonzero covariance with itself.

Here's an example TGF file for a two-track data set:

1 PUM2-Signal
2 unpaired
1       1
1       2
2       1
2       2

In this case, a "complete graph" is assumed; i.e., all continuous tracks covary.  Discrete tracks are not included in the TGF file (MUMMY assumes the discrete tracks are conditionally independent of all other tracks, given the current state).

2. HMM format
The HMM file contains the complete specification of an HMM.  You don't want to edit HMM files directly, because they're complicated.  There are command-line programs (see below) that can be used to manipulate parts of HMMs; you should use these programs rather than trying to edit the HMM file directly.

3. HMMS format
The HMMS (HMM Structure) file specifies a metamodel, which is used to merge multiple submodel HMMs together into one big HMM.  This is described below (see the program model-combiner).

4. SUBMODELS format
The submodels.txt file specifies the HMMs to be merged together by the model-combiner program (see below for a description of the file format).

Command-line Programs

parse-ensembl.pl > UTRs.txt

This program parses the file ensembl.txt in the current directory and writes output to stdout.  Don't run this program unless you know what you're doing.

par2fastb.pl <outdir> <lib1> <lib2> ...

This program parses the output of PARalyzer and generates the FASTB files that MUMMIE uses as input.  PARalyzer files must be contained in the "raw" subdirectory of the current directory.  These include the normalization file (*.norm), the groups file (*.groups), the distribution file (*.distribution), and the clusters file (*.clusters), where all of these files have as their filestem the library name. 

assemble-transcripts.pl <indir> <outdir>

Whereas the par2fastb.pl program generates FASTB files for individual exons, this program assemblese those exons into transcripts, based on the transcript ID.

get-folding-sequence.pl <outdir>

This program extracts sequences having 200bp of upstream context, to be used for folding of UTR sequences.

kmeans [options] <training-dir> <K>
           -n NUM = use at most NUM training cases
           -i NUM = perform at most NUM iterations
           -R epsilon = stop when change in RSS<epsilon
           -r NUM = use NUM random restarts; keep best RSS solution
           -s NUM = use NUM iterations of random swapping upon convergence
           -t = tranpose the data matrix before clustering
           -m = print membership table
           -c file = write centroids into file

This program performs k-means clustering, which can be used to try to identify the number of mixture components or number of states to use in an HMM.

random-HMM [options] <num-states> <connectivity[0-1]> <num-mixture-components> <*.schema> <order> <outfile>
         -t *.hmm : use given hmm as template for transition constraints
         -s seed : use given randomization seed
         -c X : use canonical topology of type X (I, II, III, IV, ...)
         -u : use uniform distribution for discrete chains

This program generates a random HMM with the specified number of states and edge density (connectivity).  The order parameter is for the Markov chains used for discrete tracks (if any).  The "canonical" topologies are as shown in the following figure; they are useful as starting points during exploration of new data:

For example, you might start with a type 0 model and a type V model, train these on background and binding-site sequences, respectively, and then merge them into a composite model using the model-combiner program (see below).  Training is accomplished using the baum-welch program (see below), though you can also edit individual parameters manually using the hmm-edit program.

baum-welch [options] <initial.hmm> <dependency-graph.tgf> <training-dir> <#iterations> <out.hmm>
          -B 0.3 = apply "Bilmes sparsness", keep 30% of entries
          -c n = use n CPUs
          -C file = center & normalize data, save transforms to file
          -d = use diagonal covariance matrices
          -g = use one global cov matrix
          -I = use identity matrix and single coef for cov matrix
          -l filename = write log-likelihood curve to file
          -L threshold = stop when change in log-likelihood < threshold
          -m file = initialize means from cluster file
          -M = do not re-estimate means (requires -m)
          -n V = add gaussian noise with variance V
          -N n = use at most n training examples
          -r = use one global correlation matrix (re-estimate variances)
          -R = do not randomize initial HMM
          -s seed = seed randomizer with given seed value
          -t file = tie parameters according to profile in file
          -u = update the discrete emission chains during EM

This program trains an HMM using Expectation Maxmization.  A sample command line is:

MUMMIE/baum-welch assemble-model/combined.hmm nofold.tgf fastb 30 trained-combined.hmm -c 8 -l ll/combined.ll -n 0.0001 -R -t combined-tie-profile.txt >> stdout/train-combined.stdout

model-combiner <meta-model.hmms> <submodels.txt> <outfile.hmm>

This program combines multiple HMMs into a single HMM.  It does this based on a "metamodel" topology, which is specified in the "metamodel.hmms" file.  The metamodel topology specifies the transitions among the submodels, like this:

0 -> 1 : 1
1 -> 0 : 0.001
1 -> 1 : 0.9
1 -> 2 : 0.099
2 -> 2 : 0.9
2 -> 3 : 0.1
3 -> 3 : 0.9
3 -> 4 : 0.1
4 -> 4 : 0.9

State 0 is the silent start/stop state; every other "state" in the metamodel denotes a submodel.  The mapping from metamodel "states" to submodels is given by the submodels.txt file:

1 = bg-state.hmm
2 = low-state.hmm
3 = med-state.hmm
4 = hi-state.hmm
5 = trained-site-hi.hmm
6 = hi-state.hmm
7 = med-state.hmm
8 = trained-site-med.hmm

The program uses these files to merge the HMMs of the submodels together into one big HMM.  While all of the emission distributions come from the submodels, the transition probabilities are computed by compounding the between-submodel transitions (specified in the metamodel file) with the appropriate transitions within the submodels (i.e., transitions to or from the submodel's zero state), as specified in section 6.6.2 of my book (Methods for Computational Gene Prediction).

hmm-edit <in-out.hmm> <operations>

This program allows you to change individual parameters of an HMM.  The program reads the specified HMM into memory, performs the operations you've specified on the command line, and then writes the modified HMM back into the same file.  The operations are:

    TRANS from to value : set transition probability to value
    MIX state mixture_index value : set mixture weight to value
    MEAN mixture_index track_index value : set mean to value
    COV mixture_index track_A track_B value : set covariance to value
    VAR mixture_index track_index value : set variance to value
    TRK name : add continuous track
    COMP : add another mixture component (applies to all states)
    NMER state track nmer prob : set P(last nmer base | prefix)

A state or index may be an individual value, comma-separated list (no spaces), or the word ALL.  You can specify multiple opererations in a single command line, as in this example:

MUMMIE/hmm-edit bg-state.hmm TRANS 1 2 0.3 TRANS 1 4 0.7

hmm-extract-state <in.hmm> <state#> <out.hmm>
This program extracts a single state from the given HMM and makes a new HMM having only that state (plus the silent state 0).  You can specify "all" as the state# if you want to extract all states; each state will then be extracted into a different file having the name "filestem#.hmm" where # ranges from 1 to N and filestem is the third argument to the program.

You can use this program to extract individual states from a trained HMM and insert them into a new HMM with a more elaborate topology (for example) using the model-combiner program.

install-chain <*.chain> <in.hmm> <out.hmm> <state>

This program installs a Markov chain into a particular state in an HMM.  You can also extract a chain from a state, using the program extract-chain.  This way, you can copy a chain from one state to another, or from a state in one HMM to a state in another HMM.

summarize-hmm <in.hmm>

This program analyzes an HMM and prints out summary information about it: the transition structure, the equilibrium state distribution, the means of emission tracks, etc.  It also attempts to identify the "most foreground" state (the state having the hightest mean for the first continuous track) and the "most background" state (the state having the longest equilibrium duration).

motif-enrichment <fastb-dir> <schema> <trackname> <comma,separated,motif,list>
    options: -l = report logarithmic value

If I remember correctly, this program scans the FASTB files in the specified directory for motif instances (exact matches).  You have to specify which track to scan.

parse [-p] <*.hmm> <data.fastb>
          -p = use posterior Viterbi
          -g 2,3,4,5 = emit gff, foreground is defined by state list
          -P = just emit posterior probabilities for all states
          -d = second parameter is a directory rather than a file

This program parses (or "segments") a FASTB file using an HMM.  With the -g option (recommended) it emits GFF elements specifying where the foreground states are predicted to be active.  The -p option is also recommended; this causes MUMMIE to use posterior probabilities during Viterbi decoding, which in many cases can give more accurate predictions.

extract-motifs [options] <trained.hmm> <num-motifs> <motif-length>
          -s X = state X only
          -L B = use state B as a background, compute LL ratios
          -a = auto-detect foreground state, use LL ratio
          -i = increment state number along length of motif
          -l F = score strings from list file F

This program enumerates the highest-scoring nmers under a given state's Markov chain.  This is useful if you've just run baum-welch (EM) and are hoping that one of the states will have captured sequence biases of particular regions in the input files.  Use -s to specify the state; you should also use -L to specify a background state (ranking is then by likelihood ratio). 

fastb-stats [options] <*.fastb> <*.schema>
  options:  -d = filename is actually a directory

This program gives some statistics about FASTB files.

extract-chain <*.hmm> <state>

This program extracts the Markov chain from a given state; the first discrete track is assumed to be the chain of interest.

fastb-length [options] <*.fastb> <*.schema>
  options:  -d = filename is actually a directory

This program checks that all tracks in a FASTB file have the same length (which they should), and reports that length.

fastb-add-folding-noave.pl <indir-fastb> <indir-fold> <outdir>

This script adds folding probabilities (probability of being unpaired) from RNAplfold into FASTB files as an additional track.

fastb-extract-tracks.pl <in.fastb> <out.fastb> <track1> <track2> ...

This script extracts the specified tracks from a FASTB file.

fastb-to-fasta.pl <in.fastb> <out.fasta>

This program converts a FASTB file to FASTA by keeping only the discrete tracks.

cat file | fastb-to-xgraph.pl

This script graphs the continuous tracks of a FASTB file, using the program xgraph.

get-likelihood [options] <input.hmm> <training-dir>
  where:  -p "0 1 3 2 5 6 4" = apply specified state mapping

This program computes data likelihood for a given HMM.

get-schema.pl <fastb-dir>

This program infers a schema from a directory of FASTB files.

roc <in.gff> <out.roc> <fastb-dir> <track-name> <min-signal> <max-signal> <schema>

This program computes the area under an ROC curve, so that the predictions in a GFF file can be evaluated.  It does this by looking at the specified track-name in the FASTB files and slicing them at many different thresholds.  Each slicing threshold effectively segments that track into contiguous intervals, which are compared to the predicted intervals in the GFF file, to compute sensitivity and false positive rate.  Each slicing threshold thus gives rise to one point in an ROC curve.

roc-chain <*.hmm> <fg-state> <bg-state> <site-size> <peak-size> <fastb-dir> <track-name> <min-signal> <max-signal> <jobID>
            -w file = also construct roc curve for PWM in file
            -b file = use background chain in file for PWM
            -r file = write curve into file
            -p = evaluate via peaks rather than uniform slices

This program is similar to the "roc" program, but it uses a Markov chain to perform prediction (ignoring all continuous tracks).

sample [options] <in.hmm> <out.fastb> <out.paths>
      -m <min-length>
      -M <max-length>
      -r <randomization-seed>
      -S X = stay in state X
      -D = discrete tracks only
      -R N = repeat sampling N times

This program samples FASTB sequences from an HMM; this is useful for simulations.

scale-data [options] <input-dir> <transforms.out> <schema.txt>
   option: -n V = add gaussian noise (after scaling) with variance V

This OBSOLETE program scales the continuous tracks in a set of FASTB files.  It is no longer needed, because par2fastb.pl now scales the data so that the maximium value is 1 and the minimum is 0.

scan-with-chains <*.hmm> <fg-state> <bg-state> <threshold> <window-size> <*.fastb>

This program scans FASTB files with a pair of Markov chains and emits intervals with a sufficiently high likelihood ratio.

score-groups <training-dir> <hmm> <fg-state> <bg-state> <signal-track-name>

This program scores PARalyzer groups.

smooth-fastb [ops] <in.fastb> <window-size> <#iterations> <out.fastb>
    where: -t abc,xyz,... = smooth only the listed tracks

This program smooths FASTB files.  It is OBSOLETE.

smooth-all.pl <in-dir> <out-dir> <window-size> <#iterations> [tracks]

This program smooths FASTB files.  It is OBSOLETE.

split-train-test.pl <indir> <num-partitions> <dir-stem>

This program can be used to split a directory into separate training and test sets.

subset-fastb <in.fastb> <track,track,...> <out.fastb>

This program extracts the specified tracks from a FASTB file.

summarize-paths.pl <dir> <num-bins> <states>

I don't remember what this program does.

discretize <in.schema> <input-dir> <num-bins> <boundaries.out> <out.schema>

This program discretizes the continuous tracks in FASTB files.

threshold <in.schema> <input-dir> <threshold>

This program applies a threshold to FASTB files.

extract-gff-intervals <in.gff> <fastb-dir> <schema> <out-dir>

This program reads the intervals given in the GFF file and then extracts the sequences for those intervals from the corresponding FASTB files.  The "substrate" field of the GFF lines specifies the filestem of the FASTB file that contains the interval.

train-state-labels [options] <input.hmm> <training-dir> <output.hmm>
  where:  -p "0 1 3 2 5 6 4" = apply specified state mapping

This program is OBSOLETE.

motif-scan.pl <motifs.fasta> <fastb-dir> <ignore-margin>

This program searches the fastb files in the <fastb-dir> for motif occurrences, where the motifs are specified in motifs.fasta.  The <ignore-margin> parameter specifies a margin at the beginning and end of each sequence to ignore.

fastb-extract-tracks-dir.pl <indir> <outdir> <track1> <track2> ...

This program processes all of the FASTB files in the directory <indir>.  For each file, it makes a new version of the file in <outdir> that contains only the tracks listed on the command line.

fasta-to-fastb.pl <in.fasta> <in.schema> <out-dir>

This program creates a FASTB file in <out-dir> for each sequence in <in.fasta>.  The sequence will be assigned to the first discrete track in the schema (additional discrete tracks, if any, are ignored).  Continuous tracks are set to a constant zero value for the length of the sequence.
change-track-name.pl  <old-track-name> <new-track-name> <fastb-dir>

This program renames the given <old-track-name> to <new-track-name> in all the FASTB files in the given directory.

fastb-add-wig.pl <indir-fastb> <indir-wig> <outdir>

This program adds a phastcons track to FASTB files; it is an unsupported program, so you'll have to check the source code to see how it works (it matches sequences to wig files using the ensembl ID). 

fastb-subtract.pl <track1> <track2> <in-dir1> <in-dir2> <out-dir> <threshold>

This program performs a numerical subtraction between a track in one set of files and another track in another set of files.  After the subtraction, the specified threshold is applied to the resulting track; any value below the threshold is set to zero.

longest-utr-per-gene.pl <in-dir> <out-dir>

This program assumes each file in the directory <in-dir> has a name of the format GENE_ISO.FASTB, where GENE is the gene ID and ISO is an isoform number.  The longest isoform for each gene is copied to the directory <out-dir>

make-tgf.pl <schema.txt> <full|diag> <outfile.tgf>

This program makes a TGF file based on the given schema.  Specify full for a full covariance matrix, or diag for a diagonal covariance matrix.

parse-clusters.pl <clusters.csv>

This program parses a PARalyzer clusters file to produce a GFF file giving the locations of "clusters" (also called "interaction sites").

fastb-to-gff.pl <in.fastb> <out.gff> <trackname> <threshold>

This program applies the given threshold to a FASTB file, identifies the intervals scoring over the threshold, and writes those intervals into the output file.

get-groups.pl <main-track> <fastb-dir> <extra-margin>

This program finds the "groups" (continuously nonzero intervals) in a set of FASTB files, adds the specified margin to the beginning and end of each interval, and writes the interval coordinates to stdout in GFF format.

positions-relative-to-peak.pl <peaks.gff> <sites.gff>
find-peaks [options] <*.fastb> <*.schema> <track-name>
  where:  -d = filename is actually a directory
          -t T = apply threshold T (default=0.1)
          -g W = emit histograms around peak (+/- width W)
This program finds the peaks in a given track for a single FASTB file or a directory of FASTB files and writes the output in GFF format to stdout.

get-extrema <fastb-dir> <schema.txt> <track-name>
 This program reports extrema for  a given track in a set of FASTB files.

Appendix A : HMM File Format

The file begins with a header section that gives the number of states and specifies the data types for the emissions:

47 states
1       1

The first line gives the number of states.  The second line contains the word "schema" followed by a colon.  The third line contains two numbers: the number of discrete data tracks, and the number of continuous data tracks.  This is followed by a list of discrete data tracks.  For each discrete data track, give the name and the alphabet, on separate lines.  In the example above, DNA is the name of the discrete data track and ACGT is the alphabet for that track.  After all of the discrete tracks, list the continuous tracks, one per line.

The next section gives the transition matrix:

8 8
0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1       
1       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       
0       1       0       0       0       0       0       0       
0       0       1       0       0       0       0       0       
0       0       0       1       0       0       0       0       
0       0       0       0       1       0       0       0       
0       0       0       0       0       1       0       0       
0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0      

The first line of this section gives the transitions keyword and a colon.  The next line gives the dimensions of the matrix; the matrix must be square and the dimension should be the number of states.  In this example above we're dealing with an 8-state HMM.  The matrix follows, with each row giving the transition probabilities into each state.  That is, row N of the matrix gives the transition probabilities into state N.  For the example above, the only state that can transition into state 0 is state 7, the only state that can transition into state 1 is state 0, etc.  Don't forget that rows give transitions into each state, not transitions out of that state!

The remaining sections specify the emission probabilities for each state, in order, starting with state 1 (since state 0 is silent and therefore has no emissions).  Here's an example:

state 1 emissions:
0.2       0.8
1 1e-07
1       1

1 0.5
1       1

1 order
A       -2.15176
C       -1.3633
G       -1.27629
T       -1.05315
AA      -2.48491
AC      -1.38629
AG      -1.38629
AT      -0.875469
CA      -0.980829
CC      -2.07944
CG      -2.07944
CT      -0.980829
GA      -inf
GC      -1.0116
GG      -1.29928
GT      -1.0116
TA      -2.48491
TC      -1.38629
TG      -0.875469
TT      -1.38629

After the header line ("state 1 emissions:") is a section that gives the multivariate gaussian distribution for the continuous emission tracks.  The line after the header staes the number of mixture components (2 in this example).  The next line gives the mixture weights for this state (0.2 and 0.8 here).  Next comes the parameters for the first mixture component.  The first line ("1 1e-07") gives the vector of means for the multivariate distribution; the first number on the line says how many elements are in the vector, and the remaining numbers on the line give the vector elements (the means for the continuous tracks, in the same order that those tracks are listed in the schema section at the top of the file).  After this is a line with two numbers ("1  1") in this example; these give the dimensions of the covariance matrix, which is always a square matrix (so the two numbers will always be equal).  In this case the covariance matrix is 1x1 because there is only one continuous track in this example.  The lines that follow give the rows of the covariance matrix.  In this case there's only one line (because the Cov matrix is 1x1) and that line gives the variance of the single continuous track.  After this we just have another mixture component specification; in this example, that second mixture component has a mean of 0.5 and a variance of 0.01.

Finally, each state's discrete emission distribution is given, as a Markov chain.  First we give the order of the chain ("1 order" in this case), followed on the next line by the keyword "alphabet:" and then the actual alphabet letters on the next line after that ("ACGT" in this example).  After this we have the list of N-mers and their emission probabilities in log space.  For N-mers longer than 1 symbol, the log value is a conditional probability: the probability of the last base of the N-mer conditional on the preceding (N-1)-mer.  For example, the line "CCTG    -1.23" would mean that P(G|CCT)=0.2923.
