Outreach activities
Uwe describes the lab's research at Latest Thinking (2018)
A Nature Methods feature on our hunt for meaningful non-protein-coding genes (2018)
Uwe and Philipp led a Meetup at re:publica 2018
Dubravka (Dusa) hosted artist Emilia Tikka to learn about CRISPR-based iPS cells for her piece Aeon (2018). Read the feature in Nature!
Uwe was interviewed for a Nature feature on the research environment in Germany (2019)
Uwe was on stage at Berliner Ensemble's Galileo Galilei to discuss machine learning as part of a "science meets theater" day (2019)
Dubravka and Uwe presented at Children of Doom (2019). Watch the videos here and here!!
The lab will be at Lange Nacht der WIssenschaften 2019!
During Berlin Science Week 2020, Karla Stereochemistry performed in the lab -- and Uwe was interviewed for Radio Arty on FluxFM!