Publications (2015)
Transcriptional control of tissue formation throughout root development
M. Moreno-Risueno, R. Sozzani, Gurkan Yardimci, J. Petricka, T. Vernoux, I. Blilou, J. Alonso, C. Winter, Uwe Ohler, B. Scheres, P. BenfeyScience 2015;

Perspectives on Unidirectional versus Divergent Transcription
S. Duttke, Scott Allen Lacadie, Mahmoud Ibrahim, C. Glass, D. Corcoran, C. Benner, S. Heinz, J. Kadonaga, Uwe OhlerMol. Cell 2015;

Regnase-1 and Roquin Regulate a Common Element in Inflammatory mRNAs by Spatiotemporally Distinct Mechanisms
T. Mino, Y. Murakawa, A. Fukao, A. Vandenbon, Hans-Hermann Wessels, D. Ori, T. Uehata, S. Tartey, S. Akira, Y. Suzuki, C. Vinuesa, Uwe Ohler, D. Standley, M. Landthaler, T. Fujiwara, O. TakeuchiCell 2015;

Human Promoters Are Intrinsically Directional
S. Duttke, Scott Allen Lacadie, Mahmoud Ibrahim, C. Glass, D. Corcoran, C. Benner, S. Heinz, J. Kadonaga, Uwe OhlerMolecular Cell 2015;

JAMM: a peak finder for joint analysis of NGS replicates
Mahmoud Ibrahim, Scott Allen Lacadie, Uwe OhlerBioinformatics 2015;