Computational Regulatory Genomics

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A distinguishing feature of the lab is its focus on multiple steps of gene regulation.

The fast-moving developments of high-throughput sequencing technologies allow for the quantitative profiling of regulatory interactions and gene expression at many levels, from transcription to translation. Our central question is how this regulatory information is encoded in chromatin and DNA/RNA, and how to model these processes based on quantitative genomics approaches. We approach this question in the context of different model systems. As part of this, we frequently develop new computational approaches that make use of new types of sequence data.

Recent and ongoing projects address 

1) transcription regulation by DNA sequence and chromatin, in particular in the context of pervasive transcription and the regulation of and by non-coding RNAs;

2) chromatin dynamics during differentiation and development, including the identification of enhancers and their target genes;

3) RNA regulatory mechanisms involving RNA binding proteins (processing and stability);

4) localization and translation;

and the integrative modeling of regulatory networks that link these different levels of gene regulation.


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