Publications (2010)
Extraction and comparison of gene expression patterns from 2D RNA in situ hybridization images
D. Mace, N. Varnado, W. Zhang, E. Frise, Uwe OhlerBioinformatics 2010; PubMed Central DOI PubMed
Promoting developmental transcription
Uwe Ohler, D. WassarmanDevelopment 2010; PubMed Central DOI PubMed
Evidence-ranked motif identification
S. Georgiev, A. Boyle, K. Jayasurya, X. Ding, S. Mukherjee, Uwe OhlerGenome Biol. 2010; PubMed Central DOI PubMed
Mapping the complexity of transcription control in higher eukaryotes
P. Tomancak, Uwe OhlerGenome Biol. 2010; PubMed Central DOI PubMed
A paired-end sequencing strategy to map the complex landscape of transcription initiation
T. Ni, D. Corcoran, E. Rach, S. Song, E. Spana, Y. Gao, Uwe Ohler, J. ZhuNat. Methods 2010; PubMed Central DOI PubMed
An alignment-free method to identify candidate orthologous enhancers in multiple Drosophila genomes
M. Arunachalam, K. Jayasurya, P. Tomancak, Uwe OhlerBioinformatics 2010; DOI PubMed
The TCT motif, a key component of an RNA polymerase II transcription system for the translational machinery
T. Parry, J. Theisen, J. Hsu, Y. Wang, D. Corcoran, M. Eustice, Uwe Ohler, J. KadonagaGenes Dev. 2010; PubMed Central DOI PubMed
Gene expression divergence recapitulates the developmental hourglass model
A. Kalinka, K. Varga, D. Gerrard, S. Preibisch, D. Corcoran, J. Jarrells, Uwe Ohler, C. Bergman, P. TomancakNature 2010; DOI PubMed
Modeling the evolution of regulatory elements by simultaneous detection and alignment with phylogenetic pair HMMs
W. Majoros, Uwe OhlerPLoS Comput. Biol. 2010; PubMed Central DOI PubMed