Publications (2016)
Alternative Splicing Substantially Diversifies the Transcriptome during Early Photomorphogenesis and Correlates with the Energy Availability in Arabidopsis
Lisa Hartmann, Philipp Drewe-Boss, Theresa Wiessner, Gabriele Wagner, Sascha Geue, Hsin-Chieh Lee, Dominik Obermueller, Andre Kahles, Jonas Behr, Fabian Sinz, Gunnar Raetsch, Andreas WachterThe Plant Cell 2016;

High-Resolution Expression Map of the Arabidopsis Root Reveals Alternative Splicing and lincRNA Regulation.
Song Li, Masashi Yamada, Xinwei Han, Uwe Ohler, Philip Benfey

Super-resolution ribosome profiling reveals unannotated translation events in Arabidopsis
Polly Hsu, Lorenzo Calviello, Hsin-Yen Wu, Fay-Wei Li, Carl Rothfels, Uwe Ohler, Philip Benfey

The mRNA-bound proteome of the early fly embryo
Hans-Hermann Wessels, K. Imami, A. Baltz, M. Kolinksi, M. Beldovskaya, M. Selbach, S. Small, Uwe Ohler, M. LandthalerGenome Res. 2016;

Identifying RBP Targets with RIP-seq
Hans-Hermann Wessels, Antje Hirsekorn, Uwe Ohler, Neelanjan MukherjeeMethods Mol. Biol. 2016;

Wanja Kassuhn, Uwe Ohler, P. DrewePac Symp Biocomput 2016;

Divergent Transcription and Epigenetic Directionality of Human Promoters
Scott Allen Lacadie, Mahmoud Ibrahim, Sucheta Arun Gokhale, Uwe OhlerFEBS J. 2016;

Detecting actively translated open reading frames in ribosome profiling data
Lorenzo Calviello, Neelanjan Mukherjee, Emanuel Wyler, Henrik Zauber, Antje Hirsekorn, Matthias Selbach, Markus Landthaler, Benedikt Obermayer, Uwe OhlerNature Methods 2016;